Soldier In The Rain

Hey everyone!

I always loved the movie “Soldier in the Rain.  It starred Jackie Gleason and Steve McQueen and was a really nice film.  It was probably cursed to fail as it was released 5 days after President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.  The reason I bring it up was that every time Steve McQueen’s character would say “Good Bye” to Jackie Gleason’s character, Jackie would say: “Until that time, Eustis.  Until that time”.  So, when I saw that the domain was available, I bought it a couple years ago with the intentions of using it for just this blog.

You see, Eustis was a “flim flam” kind of guy who was always looking for an angle or shortcut to get rich.  It’s something that a lot of the people in the internet marketing business have in common with Eustis.  How can we do it easier or sell a hope and a prayer to some poor person who needs to make a little more money or maybe needs to change their life.  I know confidence men have been around for years and prey on the weak of mind or spirit.  My problem is that we all get taken down when someone is taken advantage of.

soldier in the rain

Jackie Gleason and Steve McQueen from “Soldier In The Rain”

My theory has always been to make the best product you can.  Make sure you have used it yourself and you know it does what you promise it does and lastly, give the person their money back without any question if they are not happy with it for any reason.  I am a big believer in “World Class Customer Service” and the only way to have that is to refund their money if they are not satisfied with your product.  We go even a step further.  If we refund anyone’s money, we also buy them dinner on us.  A person appreciates that we may have not been a good fit, and they will never say anything bad about you if you give them more than what they have coming back.

There was a great line in the movie that Eustis always says to Sgt. Slaughter (Jackie Gleason): “Together we can lick the world, Maxwell”.  Well, I believe that and try to live my life that way.  Together, we can lick the world and make a lovely living serving our fellow man with new methods and products and services that are truly in need.  We are poised at the very beginning of an incredible opportunity in the online marketing world.  The demographic studies and parsing of verticals give us great advantages to deliver our messages to the right people at the right time.  This has never been available until now and if we really care about our fellow “marketer”, then we can do some great things.

Please come back from time to time as I muse about products, services and morality of online marketing.